The World's Dive Sites
We contribute on OpenStreetMap
Join Our Mission to Chart the World's Dive Sites on OpenStreetMap
We're dedicated to enriching the global map of dive sites on OpenStreetMap. Our goal is to continually contribute and update important diving locations, making them easily accessible for all. By leveraging OpenStreetMap's platform, we provide an intuitive and user-friendly way for divers to discover and share the best underwater spots. Join us in this collaborative effort to map the underwater world, enhancing the experience for divers everywhere.
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accept and load mapHere's how to contribute a dive site in 3 simple steps
By adding your favorite dive sites to OpenStreetMap, you not only enrich a free, open-source geographic database but also help fellow enthusiasts discover new underwater marvels. It's simple and rewarding to contribute, and every shared location enhances our collective experience.
Sign Up for Free
Begin by creating a free account on OpenStreetMap. It's a quick process.
Learn the Basics
Take a short tour on how to add data. This will guide you through the simple steps of contributing information effectively.
Share Your Dive Sites
Now, you're set to add your favorite dive sites. Pinpoint the location, add details, and submit.