curated, chronologically ordered notable changes

The Changelog

Stay up to date with all of the latest additions and improvements we've made to The Scuba Society.

January 9, 2024

What's your favourite news source 💌

Directly from the Dive Ticker, you can now send us your favorite news sources. We are constantly expanding the sources and if we have missed one, we are happy to add it. We carefully check each source.

January 6, 2024

The World's Dive Sites 📍

To enrich your underwater experience we add the global map of dive sites based on OpenStreetMap data. Our goal is to continually contribute and update important diving locations, making them easily accessible for you.

December 14, 2023

Let's go diving ✨

Today is the day it all began, when we jumped into the deep for the very first time. With our initial blog post and our first curated news we will not start YASYC (Yet Another Scuba YouTube Channel), but will instead bring together for you what the colorful world of scuba has to offer.

Read our first blog post